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The miracle of blocking

The miracle of blocking

Here are KAH, we are always preaching the miracle of blocking. We shudder to hear of customers with piles of finished projects just laying around, waiting for that final finishing touch that brings the work to life. 

We're talking about a good 'ole fashioned blocking session.

Now, for some reason people seem to get it in their minds that blocking is this big, bad, scary process that could ruin their handknits. This couldn't be further from the truth!

Blocking is the magic that happens at the end of all of your hard work, the secret sauce that takes your projects from homemade to artisan. And Jill and I are here to lay it all out for you, step-by-step. 

(At the end of this post you'll find our very own Jillian giving you a step-by-step video walkthrough of how to use the cocoknits Knitter's Block Kit and cocoknits Sweater Care Kit to give your projects their very own little miracle.)

1) Fill your sink with tepid water and few dashes of fiber wash. Insert your item, being sure to fully submerge all parts of it. Let it soak for 15 minutes.

2) While your project soaks, pull out your Knitter's Block kit and arrange the interlocking squares into the size you will need for your project. We love how we can make different shapes for different projects, and everything always fits. 

3) Drain your sink, and give gravity a few minutes to let as much water flow out of your project as possible. Lay the extra absorbent towel from your Sweater Care Kit out on the ground or a cleared table (a bath towel will also work). Gently squeeze as much excess water out of your project as you can, and then lay on your absorbent towel in the general shape it is supposed to take. Roll up your project in the towel, and if you like, gently stand on top of it to get excess water out. 

4) Move your project to your blocking mats, and lay it out carefully matching up measurements to your pattern schemata (especially make sure sleeves have not grown). Pin in places if necessary (we love the Knitter's Pride Knit Blockers and the T-Pins from cocoknits). 

5) Leave to dry on your mat until your piece feels only damp. 

6) Pop up your mesh popup dryer, and carefully move your piece to the dryer, maintaining all shaping. Allow to dry completely.

7) Et voila! You have blocked your work!

If you'd like a video overview, check out Jill's great demo below. 

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1 comment

  • I would like to order the K otters blocking kit , when they are back in stick ! Please keep me posted . Thank you
    Knot Another Hat replied:
    Hi Mary, thanks for your comment! We have a great new feature on our website for out-of-stock products. If an item is out of stock, you will now see a button that says “Notify when available”. Click on that and you can enter your email address to be notified automatically when it is back in stock. Here is a link to the Cocoknits Knitter’s Block kit:

    Mary Stepanek

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