May 15, 2020
COVID-19 and KAH
Here are the latest updates related to the shop and COVID-19.
- We are are now open for in-store shopping.
- We are shipping orders Monday through Friday, and have a $4 flat rate shipping fee or also offer curbside pickup in front of the store Mon - Fri from 11am to 3pm.
- Project "fix-it" help is available - registration required. Click here to sign up.
Our utmost concern is protecting the more vulnerable of our customers and staff - anyone who has had a few more candles on their last birthday cake, or those with compromised immunity. With that in mind, we have decided to stay closed at least through the end of May. In June I will re-evaluate where things stand and decide if we are ready to open our doors to the public again.
Here are the steps we will take when the store re-opens (no date set yet):
- CURBSIDE PICK UP will still be your best option. Shop online, select curbside at checkout.
- Only 2 separate customers will be allowed in at any given time.
- Each day before the store opens, and then throughout the day, we are giving the full wipe-down treatment to all hard surfaces.
- At this time, there will be NO public restroom available.
- Upon entry, please stop at our front table and use the hand sanitizer.
- Masks are required per state order for Hood River County.
- We require that visiting customers maintain a minimum of 6 feet social distance from other customers and staff members.
- Please refrain from touching items unless you are planning to purchase them.
- No staff member will work if they are even the slightest bit sick, even if it's just a cold, and we ask that you do not come to the store if you are the slightest bit sick.
- Yarn winding services are suspended until further notice.
- No social "stay-and-knit" for the time being.
Thank you for caring about yourself and those around you by following our guidelines!

1 comment
Your caution and care regarding reopening are exemplary! You have given a great deal of thought to KAH and COVID-19.