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join us for the KAH 2020 Ravelry Challenge!

join us for the KAH 2020 Ravelry Challenge!

2020 ravelry challenge
There's no purchase required to participate. Simply go to your Ravelry Projects page, and click on the "Challenge" tab on the upper right. Set your personal goal for completed projects in 2020, then email us your full name, Ravelry name, and your goal! 

We'll send you an invite to our Rav Challenge Facebook group, where you can help cheer on your fellow makers and stay up to date by sharing your progress (or lack thereof - hey, life happens sometimes!). 

At the end of the year we will have prize drawings for those who have met their goals (and drawings for those who came close). This isn't a competition to see who can make the most - just a personal goal to work towards throughout the year. 

Submissions must be emailed to us by January 31st, 2020 to be included in the prize drawings.
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