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spring cleaning and stash amnesty

spring cleaning and stash amnesty

Spring is in the air!

OK - maybe just the air in my head…But I am determined to make it Springtime here at the store. There have been some great new lightweight designs published recently that have me turning my thoughts to Spring. But the new project inspiration isn't the only reason it feels like Spring around here—it’s the Spring cleaning!

My family recently made some upgrades to our hangout room at my house, which is the room where my stash lives. I needed to downsize a smidge, which prompted some new yarn storage and some much needed purging. 

Spring cleaning isn’t just for my yarn room - but for YOUR STASH as well!

I know - no one wants to really admit how much stash they may or may not have. Maybe it's a big Rubbermaid tote in the closet. Maybe it's 16 totes. Maybe it's entire rooms of your house. I DO NOT JUDGE (ahem, when your stash is so big you have a yarn store, cough cough).

It's also high time to dig out those projects that have been languishing on the needles for too long. Take a good hard look and decide if it really is worth finishing, or not (and it’s OK to not finish something!). If you need help getting going again, bring it in! Please, please do not worry about bringing in something you didn’t buy from us—that is not why we’re here. We want to be a resource for our community of knitters and crocheters, and that means helping you all work on your projects! If you decide it’s not worth finishing a certain project, bring in those extra unused skeins for STASH AMNESTY

What on earth is STASH AMNESTY, you ask? We are willing to provide you the invaluable service of taking any unwanted stash off your hands - no matter what kind of yarn it is, how long ago you bought it, or if your aunt Mabel left it to you in her will. We will relieve you of the heavy burden of all that stash - just think of the hours of therapy we are saving you from!

In exchange for every 1 pound (16 oz) of stash you bring us on Friday and Saturday, February 24-25, we'll give you $1 in KAH Cash*. 

That's right - we are going to PAY you to relieve you of that albatross around your neck. Got four pounds of acrylic sitting around? That's $4! That heavy cotton you thought was pretty 10 years ago? Turn it into new yarn with KAH Cash!

We'll take all of your newly liberated stash and use it for donations to the local senior center crafters.

One final, important note: if you’re reading this and you are thinking, Gee, I don’t have a yarn stash, then get thee to the yarn store, and quick!!

*The inevitable fine print: only full skeins with intact ball bands will be accepted; KAH Cash not redeemable on sale yarn, classes, or events; KAH Cash must be redeemed by 12/31/23. Non-locals may ship us their stash the week of February 23rd and we will provide a KAH Cash equivalent coupon code for use on our website. 

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1 comment

  • Do you offer the Stash Amnesty more than once a year? I was SO excited to read this but I was out of town this past week and had no way to get my yarn to you :(
    I live in Madras and have been wanting to drive up to Hood River to visit your shop forever!
    Knot Another Hat replied:
    Hi Debbie – if you can get it to us this week, that would be OK! We offer it periodically (less than annually, so not sure when the next one will be). Thank you! >

    Debbie Klann

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