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10 things summer means to me

10 things summer means to me

To celebrate the impending season, we're going to have a SALE! But first, can we talk about summer? It is fully here, and I've been thinking about certain things that say "summer" to me more than anything else. They are: 

  1. the "chtch chtch chtch chtch" of the sprinklers in the orchards (I don't really get to hear this one anymore. Sad face.)
  2. planting flowers in beds and pots and watching them grow
  3. rising early and being able to sit outside in the sun with my coffee
  4. Jason's mojitos
  5. cherries, cherries, cherries 
  6. summer rain storms
  7. YMA camp and all it offers my girls
  8. summer knitting (read: shawls) 
  9. summer sunsets
  10. 100 degree days when the air is so still you can swim through it - love it. 

I would love to hear what summer means to you! 

Now - on to the SALE news! 

Summer ALSO means our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale! We need to make room for great Fall yarns, which means great deals for you!

Shop early and shop often, when the deals are gone, they're gone!

Shop the Sale Now

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