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2020 by the numbers

2020 by the numbers

Well, here we are. It's the first day of the new year, and I'm typing on my keyboard writing a blog post to you all, so we'll take that as a huge W in my book! 

We all know 2020 was a mess. But I refuse to see it only for the bad it brought, because the silver linings of 2020 stand out brighter than the flames of that dumpster fire. I was able to spend more time with my family (especially my soon-to-be-graduating senior) than I would have under normal circumstances. My husband and I made tons of improvements around our house. And, oh boy did I ever get some knitting done. 

Now, at the beginning of 2020 I set myself a project goal in Ravelry of 55 projects. This was ambitious, as the previous year I had set a goal of 50 and didn't quite make it, coming in at midnight on the 31st of 2019 with only 49. So, naturally, I upped it for 2020 (ha!). And? 

I only hit 42

But you know what? Just like the rest of the year, I see a lot of amazing-ness in that missed goal. Specifically: 

  • A baker's dozen of sweaters (i.e. thirteen full-size, grown-ass sweaters)
  • 11 afghan squares
  • 7 pairs of socks (in case you didn't know, that's 14 socks)
  • 6 shawls
  • 2 cowls
  • 1 glamping blanket
  • 1 pillow
  • 1 hat (OK - how on earth did I only make ONE hat the entire year?)

I am pretty darn proud of this list, I have to admit. I only made 76% of my goal, but that's OK! And, if we really want to talk numbers, I knit ...

18.25 miles of yarn. (Miles.) (That's 32,141 yards) No wonder I struggled with arm pain and tendonitis half the year.

So no matter what your goals were, and no matter if you met them, you should pat yourself on the back. You survived 2020, after all. 

(If you would like to join our 2021 Ravelry challenge, and if you have results to submit from our 2020 Challenge, you can submit those to our Google form here. Submissions must be received by Friday January 8, 2020 at 8am Pacific to be entered in our prize drawing. Join us in the Rav Challenge facebook group on the 8th at 12:30 Pacific for our live video wrap-up and drawings!)

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1 comment

  • I’ve set a challenge of 12. I’m not a fast knitter so 1 per month. 😁

    Nydia Haberlie

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