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Thinking About Joining KACLUB?

Thinking About Joining KACLUB?

Are you on the fence about hopping aboard the KACLUB? Here's a letter from founding member Michon S. about why she loves the club: 

I joined the club on a whim thinking that I should keep myself busy now that my kids are gone to college. I also thought I should do something I would like to do more of. I love knitting so the opportunity came at the perfect time. I had no idea how much I would get out of it.

#1. Patterns- Who doesn’t love free patterns. Even if I don’t have the time to make the project, it is there when I am looking for something new to knit.

#2. Swag- Every once in a while, we get a little free swag and it is always so nice to get something in the mail.

#3. Classes- I am a cheap person and I often will not take a class if I feel I shouldn’t spend the money on it. When the classes come at a discount, I have no reason not to. I am never sorry that I took the class either.

#4. Get togethers- I love the monthly meetings because we get to just hang out and see all the other WIPS from the other knitters.

#5. Community- This is my favorite reason. The sense of community. I get so much out of this aspect of the club. I learn new things from the other knitters, such as “I’ll be right back.” I can’t remember who taught us this, but it has helped so much. I could never remember how to do a Make 1 Right. I no longer have this problem thanks to this handy little saying.

One time I was having so much trouble getting started on a sweater. It seemed I had to start over and over and over. It was a knit along and I was feeling like I was getting so far behind. A few stepped up to encourage me. I remember Jill stepped up and said, “slow down and enjoy the knit.” I needed to hear that. Sometimes you can’t keep up the pace with everyone else, but it is ok because you are here for your enjoyment and enrichment not to be at the same spot as everyone else. A good lesson for life right there, I think.

Another time I was right in the middle of a sweater, a hat, and multiple toys. I was having so much fun knitting all the things and then I found out I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I was devastated. I thought my knitting world was over. At our monthly get together everyone rallied around me and brought me back up. Their words of encouragement and tips for getting back to normal were so helpful for me. It made me feel like this was not the end of my knitting, just a slowdown.

So why do I love KACLUB? It is like having the most supportive friends ever. Yeah, you're just knitting a hat. You are not choosing who to marry, or what house to buy, or where to go to college, but whatever you decide KACLUB is always there for you. With words of encouragement, wisdom, and lots of Oooooo’s and Awwwww’s.

Thanks Friends,


Don't forget - the doors are only open through this Friday, August 5th! Sign up now!


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