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Cashmere Inspiration

Cashmere Inspiration

One of my favorite all-time finished sweaters has been Old Town, by Carol Sunday. I first knit Old Town over 8 years ago, in a discontinued cashmere blend. Everytime I wear that sweater I receive compliments. The fit is just perfect. I've seen Old Town knit up by every body type over the last 8 years, and it is flattering on all. 

When we got our first shipment of Dream in Color Smooshy with Cashmere, I almost immediately knew I wanted to knit another Old Town. (And this coming from the knitter who says she doesn't knit things twice.) 

I started in March with some pretty big mistakes. 

First, I swatched on the entirely wrong yarn. <insert eye roll here> I happened to have the exact same color from Dream in Color in their DK cashmere blend in my stash, and grabbed it by mistake to use for swatching. And no, I didn't realize my mistake until I was too far in to the sweater to go back. I just forged onward and hoped I would be able to open up my stitches with blocking to get the right size! 

Oh - that brings us to mistake #2. The first time I made this sweater I was, ahem, smaller. I knit the size 36". I knew this time that I wanted to go up a size or two, and that was completely my plan. Except ... when I started I just grabbed my same copy of the pattern that I used the first time, complete with little penciled circles around all of the right numbers for my size ... from the 1st time. 🤦‍♀️ This time my mistake didn't sink in until I was below the divide for the sleeves, and there was definitely NO turning back. 

But guess what???? It all worked out, by the grace of the knitting fairies this sweater opened up beautifully in blocking and fits great! 


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1 comment

  • Gorgeous!!! Definitely on my wish list!!!

    Michelle Smith

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